Sunday, March 22, 2015

TBM new blog!

Hello wonderful people! As some of you know TBM has been around for a few months already and someone suggested we start a blog to tell people more of what we do and how we do it. So here it is! TBM's first blog entry!!!

So what is TBM? What do they do? And what does the motto "innovating technology, creating hope mean?

As many of  you already know the company was created for the purpose of helping people through technology. Therefore if you go to our website you will notice it is only geared towards teaching people computers, and by request fixing computers as well. But that's not all TBM is actually intended for, it is just a means to an end. We desire nothing less than helping people through all kinds of technologies, not just computers!

To give some examples we've helped people with:

  1. GPS use
  2. Tablet use
  3. Cellphone use
  4. Bluetooth use
  5. Video survailance
  6. Portable blood pressure readers
And these are only the tip of the iceberg of what we can actually help with! 

TBM stands for True Bio-Medicine. Since the founder of TBM is a biomedical engineer he saw no better way to use technology and medicine than to help people, as opposed to making it into a business empire, thus the word True was added as such wonderful knowledge and tools must only be used for the good of everyone and not for selfish reasons. The bio-medicine part is because bio means anything with life, and medicine is the means to help life be and stay healthy. And although technology can actually sometimes be detrimental to health when it's overused or wrongly implemented into our lives, in reality it is the next natural step to human advancement, and if it is learned to use properly will propel humanity to the next level of progress. 

The motto "Innovating technology, creating hope" is what we stand for. We use any technological and engineering and medicinal knowledge to create unique and new innovating ways to help people, and we go were few will attempt to go to, from elderly people's houses to low income neighborhoods, thus we strive to create hope of learning everywhere. If people wish to learn we will go to them and teach them.

Well stay put for weekly blog entries and please feel free to comment on this blog or check out our website and facebook page as well.

God bless you all and happy learning!

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Keep moving forward!
Innovating technology, creating hope.